Sabel leads and pulls all of the levers on the TrackMaven marketing machine. This machine ruffs out comments in 140 characters, ranks number 1 for keywords, digs for golden data, inserts canine puns into every area possible…just several of the millions of marketing tasks. And yes, this machine is corgi shaped to model the looks of Maven.

Her favorite things about working for TrackMaven? The unyielding motivation and passion that everyone has for their jobs. Everyone is hungry to grow and make TrackMaven a platform that is truly remarkable.

Also, all of the corgi pictures.

How she helps TrackMaven customers

If TrackMaven customers and her went to a “Speed Dating” event, she would be their first date. She helps TrackMaven customers by facilitating the introduction process — but don’t worry, it’s not like an awkward first date ;) She understands that as a marketer herself, it’s a huge and overwhelming task to carry out marketing campaigns successfully, so through content, a few ruffs, insights, and tactics, she provides future and current customers the first look into something that will make their marketing lives even better!