Natural Language Processing
Natural Language Processing is ultimately the relationship and interaction between a human and a computer. Natural Language Processing refers to the language spoken by people in a conversational format and the connection with computers and/or search engines. Computers and search engines take the language that users type and convert it into a programming language. This allows for the computer or search engine to read the language and process the input. The output the computer produces will be converted back into natural language and displayed for the person.
Why does TrackMaven think that Natural Language Processing is important?
Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Artificial intelligence (AI) developments are making it easier for computers to understand natural language. Updates to search engines, such as Google’s Hummingbird update, improve the ability of search engines to understand human syntax and conversational language. Google also has Google Voice Search, which allows a user to speak his/her question, and Google will interpret and analyze the user’s language without having to type anything.
There is an evolving way people are searching for things on Google and they are searching for things in a more conversational context. For example more people could be searching for “What does Natural Language Processing mean?” instead of “natural language processing.” This is important for marketers to remember when implementing their own SEO strategies and outlining content.
In a Sentence
With the recent Hummingbird Google changes to include more natural language processing, Fletcher changes his title of the most recent report he used to include a more ruffs to include the corgis that will search for his report.