Word Of Mouth Marketing Definition - at TrackMaven.com
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Word Of Mouth Marketing

Word of mouth marketing is a form of marketing that flows organically amongst consumers. This method does not focus on directly pushing an advertisement onto consumers to get their attention, but rather on indirectly using consumers as advocates of a business. Word of mouth marketing occurs when a business encourages its customers to talk about their product or service with potential new customers. By triggering a desire within customers to talk about their products, businesses can increase consumer consciousness of their companies.

Why does TrackMaven think that Word Of Mouth Marketing is important?

Word of mouth marketing provides businesses with an effective way of rapidly spreading awareness of their companies amongst the general public. It is an efficient method of influencing potential customers to buy a product because consumers are more likely to trust the opinion of other consumers who have used a product or service, rather then the opinion of the company selling the product or service. Satisfied customers can be turned into strong advocates for a company if a company encourages them to talk about their experience. Businesses can trigger this desire to talk through strategic initiatives such as customer referral reward programs or giving an emotional reminder of a positive experience. Anatomy of Buzz, by Emanuel Rosen, suggest some great ways that marketers can optimize their word of mouth marketing strategies.

In a Sentence

Blaire provides such great customer service that it encourages word of mouth marketing amongst TrackMaven's customers.